List of projects available for Stage 3 (08-28 September 2019)
Before choosing a project, read the project description carefully, because you may not get an opportunity to change the project during the Practice: the number of vacancies for some of the projects is strictly limited. To see the project description, click on the pdf file icon.
JINR University Centre (UC)
№ | Supervisor | Name of the project | |
1. | D. Belozerov | Electronics hands-on training | |
2. | R. Pivin M. Nozdrin |
Controls & Vacuum hands-on training | |
3. | K. Verlamov | RF technology hands-on training | |
4. | K. Gikal K. Papenkov |
Pixel detector medipix MX-10 | |
5. | Said Abdel Shakour | Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources |
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR)
№ | Supervisor | Name of the project | |
1. | A. Artyukh | Study of the transfer and fragmentation reactions near Fermi energy | |
2. | A. Artyukh B. Erdemchimeg |
Total reaction cross sections for 6,8He and 8,9Li nuclei at energies of (25-45) A MeV on natAl and natPb | |
3. | V. Rachkov | Study of heavy-ion elastic scattering within classical and quantum optical model | |
4. | Yu. Sobolev | Single-crystal gamma scintillation spectrometer | |
5. | E. Kozulin K. Novikov |
Measurement of mass-energy distributions of fission fragments using the time-of-flight method | |
6. | A. Voinov | Preliminary processing of the signals in a nuclear physics experiment | |
7. | S. Lukyanov | Ge(Li)-detector for energy measurements of gamma-activity | |
8. | S. Lukyanov | Study of the operation principle of X-ray detectors, and Mosley's law in action |
Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP)
№ | Supervisor | Name of the project | |
1. | M.-L. Craus | Transport phenomena and magnetic/crystalline structure of manganites | |
2. | I. Bobrikov S. Sumnikov |
Precision investigation of modern crystalline materials by neutron diffraction method | |
3. | M. Frontasyeva W. Badawy |
Neutron activation analysis for life sciences | |
4. | S. Kichanov N. Belozerova |
Сrystal and magnetic structure of advanced oxide materials: neutron diffraction studies | |
5. | S. Kichanov K. Nazarov |
Neutron radiography and tomography method: practical applications |
Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems (DLNP)
№ | Supervisor | Name of the project | |
1. | E. Kravchenko | Genome “dactyloscopy” (DNA finger-printing) and gene expression: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Real Time Polimerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) in action |
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (BLTP)
№ | Supervisor | Name of the project | |
1. | O. Solovtsova A. Sidorov |
Numerical Estimates of the Mellin-Barnes Integrals Based on the Contour of the Stationary Phase | |
2. | Yu. Shukrinov | Computer simulation of tunneling characteristics of superconducting nanostructures | |
3. | A. Arbuzov | Theoretical description of quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleon scattering | |
4. | D.E. Alvarez-Castillo | Constraining the Neutron Star Mass and Radius Relation |
Laboratory of Radiation Biology (LRB)
№ | Supervisor | Name of the project | |
1. | B. Munkhbaatar B. Lkhagvaa |
Computer Modeling of Radiation Biophysics using the Geant4 | |
2. | Open field behavior and habituation in rats irradiated |
Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics (VBLHEP)
№ | Supervisor | Name of the project | |
1. | P. Zarubin | BECQUEREL project for juniors | |
2. | M. Peryt | Robots in great physical experiments: Measuring Robot Balancing Arm Assembly | |
3. | M. Peryt | Robots in great physical experiments: Rover Vehicle Measuring Robot | |
4. | M. Peryt | Robots in great physical experiments: Self-Balancing Measuring Robot |
Laboratory of Information Technologies (LIT)
№ | Supervisor | Name of the project | |
1. | B. Saha | Numerical and analytical calculations in gravitation and cosmology | |
2. | Yu. Kalinovsky | Modeling of the behavior of particles in hot nuclear matter | |
3. | O. Derenovskaya | ROOT package in High Energy Physics tasks | |
4. | G. Ososkov | Machine learning applications for plant disease detection | |
5. | I. Pelevanyuk | Advanced system administration for fast server configuration | |
6. | N. Kutovskiy | Advanced computing technologies (Grid, Cloud, HPC). Practical usage of EMI, OpenNebula middleware and key parallel programming technologies |
7. | I. Sarkhadov | Numerical modeling of thermal processes arising in the materials under exposure to pulsed ion beams and single high energy ions |
8. | O. Chuluunbaatar Yu. Popov |
Calculation of the strong field approximation term for the hydrogen atom excitation in intensive laser field |