1 stage 2017

ISP 2017, Stage 1 (May 28 - June 17)

In order to become a Practice participant, you need to do the following:

Contact the national representative of your country and undergo the required procedure to be officially selected and approved for participation in the Practice.

Dr. Ntombizikhona NDLOVU nbndlovu@tlabs.ac.za South Africa
Ms. Motsakwe RAKGOALE motsakwe@nrf.ac.za South Africa
Prof. Mantile Leslie LEKALA mantile.lekala@gmail.com South Africa

After we have received the list of approved participants from the national representatives, the following steps should be taken by the participants:

1. Each approved student will get an email from the JINR Visit Centre (visitcentre@jinr.ru) inviting them to register and fill out the necessary forms required to arrange the visit, accommodation, transfer, etc.

2. Each approved student should choose a project they will be working on during the Practice from the list of projects available for Stage 1 2017 
and send their preference to Mrs. Julia Rybachuk. To see the project description, click on the pdf file icon. The number of vacancies for some of the projects is strictly limited.

3. Please stay in touch via email, we may contact you in case of any problems or to send additional information.

4. Join us on Facebook for discussion.

5. Should you have any questions regarding the registration procedure or visa issues, please contact our colleagues from the Visit Centre visitcentre@jinr.ru.
Should you have any questions regarding the educational issues, the projects or the Practice in general, please contact Mrs. Julia Rybachuk.