JINR UC Lectorium
The UC Lectorium “S’COOL SCIENCE” gives school students an opportunity to learn about advanced scientific discoveries and achievements at first hand. Lectures by JINR specialists are intended to popularize science and extend knowledge using the research conducted at the Institute as an example.
The lectures are held in two formats:
- offline (“live” format),
for students from Dubna, Moscow region. Lecturers come straight to the classroom to deliver a lecture.
- online (remote format),
for students from all over the world. The lectures are delivered online, using special videoconferencing software programs (Cisco / Zoom).
- school students of 7-11 grades
- groups of not less than 15 people
- free-of-charge lectures
- lectures on working days, 09: 00 - 17: 00
- 1 lecture = 40-60 minutes
- 2 lectures for 1 group per day maximum
- Applications are accepted only from teachers or school principals.
- choose a lecture topic below
- fill out the online form
- get a preliminary confirmation by email within 5 days
Tel: +7 496 21 6 27 01 Anastasia Sushchevich, Anna Sumbaeva
E-mail: asumbaeva@jinr.ru
Neutrino physics at JINR (brief overview on a few neutrino activities at DLNP).
Nikolay Anfimov
Head of the Sector of Experimental Methods, Experimental Department of Particle Physics, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
The lecture is dedicated to the DLNP Neutrino Programme and describes various projects, such as the Baikal Neutrino Observatory, the DANSS experiment on reactor neutrinos, the JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory, China) and the TAO (Taishan Antineutrino Observatory, China) neutrino experiments.
About JINR / Energy of science. What is JINR?
Nikolay Anfimov
Head of the Sector of Experimental Methods, Experimental Department of Particle Physics, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
This popular-science lecture describes JINR, its current advanced research, and how complicated and exciting the profession of a nuclear physicist is. Listeners will also be able to get acquainted with JINR laboratories and its main projects.
Present status and problems of the Standard Model of particle physics
Andrej B. Arbuzov
DSc, Prof. of RAS, Group Leader, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Scientific interests: high-energy physics, quantum field theory, phenomenology of strong interactions, gravity and Cosmology
The Standard Model of particle physics is described as the most successful physical theory ever. The main principles of this model and applications for prediction of various observable effects are discussed.
Recent achievements in particle physics including the Higgs boson discovery and neutrino oscillations are presented. In spite of the numerous successes, it is claimed that the fundamental physics is nowadays in a deep crisis. The open problems of the Standard Model are listed. Perspectives for future development of fundamental particle physics are discussed. The lecture is addressed to those who are interested in fundamental properties of our world. No special knowledge in particle physics is required from the audience.
Puzzles in Cosmology
Andrej B. Arbuzov
DSc, Prof. of RAS, Group Leader, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Scientific interests: high-energy physics, quantum field theory, phenomenology of strong interactions, gravity and Cosmology
During last decades, Cosmology turned from a qualitative and speculative field of ideas into a high-precision science. The so-called standard cosmological model describes now the history of the whole observable Universe quite accurately. Nevertheless, there is a lot of open questions and puzzles. A few of them will be discussed in the lecture.
The puzzles inspire further investigations in fundamental physics.
Relation between particle physics and Cosmology will be considered as well. The lecture is addressed to those who are interested in fundamental properties of our world. No special knowledge in Cosmology is required from the audience.
Light exotic nuclei: trip beyond the limits of nuclear stability
Vratislav Chudoba
Senior Researcher, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Head of the Czech community at JINR
Research interests: studying the properties of light proton- and neutron-redundant nuclei.
Almost the whole surrounding world consists of stable isotopes of natural elements. However, in particular situations we may deal with radioactive isotopes. Nevertheless, there is a rich environment of isotopes characterized by a very short lifetime, some of them live even less than needed to reach the detector from the point of their origin. The more proton- or neutron-rich nuclei we deal with, the less stable they are. Contemporary nuclear physics tries to find answers to such questions as "Where is the limit of nuclear stability?" or "How is nuclear matter produced beyond the limit of nuclear stability?". Currently, the region of isotopes with a small number of protons is studied well. We will get to know some interesting phenomena typical of exotic nuclei, experimental methods for their research and, of course, the "exotic nuclei" themselves.
Neutrino - a key to reveal the secrets of Nature
Dmitry V. Naumov
DSc, Deputy Director of JINR DLNP, in charge of the JINR Neutrino Programme, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
You will hear a fascinating story of the discovery of neutrinos - mysterious and elusive ghost particles, thanks to which it was possible to save the law of conservation of energy and momentum.
Despite the weak interaction, the neutrino left an important trace in the history of the Universe and helped to discover modern fundamental physical laws.
Intensive research is being conducted at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research located in the picturesque city of Dubna on the banks of two rivers, as part of the JINR Neutrino Programme.
The flagship project of the Programme is the creation of a neutrino telescope with a volume of one cubic kilometer on Lake Baikal in collaboration with the leading institutions of the country.
12+. The lecture is intended for a wide range of students and does not require special training. Everyone is welcome.
Physics of elementary particles - the foundation of modern physics
Dmitry V. Naumov
DSc, Deputy Director of JINR DLNP, in charge of the JINR Neutrino Programme, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
What is the substance surrounding us made of? What are its elementary "bricks" and what forces act between them? How are interactions organised? Where does the particle come from? Particle physics - one of the most active areas of modern science - is looking for answers to these and many other questions.
12+. The lecture is intended for a wide range of students and does not require special training. Everyone is welcome.
Neutron activation analysis in life sciences
Inga Zinicovscaia
Researcher, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Bucharest - Magurele, Romania
The lecture presents the development of neutron activation analysis, its advantages and limitations in comparison with other techniques of elemental analysis, and the examples of this method’s application in the assessment of air quality, wastewater treatment, nanotoxicology, etc.
Why do we need so many computers?
Igor Pelevanyuk
Software Developer, Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Areas of interest: IT, distributed systems
In this lecture, we will look at scientific discoveries from the perspective of calculation. We will learn about Geiger–Marsden experiments (also called the Rutherford gold foil experiment), Anderson's experiment, Higgs boson discovery. Birth and development of data processing techniques in high energy physics are also presented in the lecture.
What is Monte-Carlo method?
Igor Pelevanyuk
Software Developer, Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Areas of interest: IT, distributed systems
Monte-Carlo method is actively applied in many areas of physics: quantum physics, solid state physics, plasma physics, astrophysics, etc. The idea is simple: we use randomly generated numbers to get an approximate answer to the question. A good example of the application of Monte-Carlo is calculating the Pi number. With the help of a simple program, it is possible to calculate Pi with five decimal places precision.
Time: 40 min
Form: practice
Requirements: computer with a programming language (Python, C, C++, C#, etc.)
Basic knowledge of programming on any language, basic knowledge of geometry, circles, Pi number, coordinates.
How to Synthesize Superheavy Elements
Alexander Karpov
DSc, Scientific Secretary at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
The lecture is devoted to the peculiarities of setting up experiments on the synthesis of superheavy elements. Their very existence is due to the increased stability of the nuclei near the so-called "Island of Stability" predicted in the late 60s of the 20th century. The experimental study of superheavy elements provides the key to understanding the limits of the existence of nuclei and the boundaries of the Periodic Table. The lecture describes the state of affairs with the study of superheavy elements at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and discusses the prospects associated primarily with the construction of a Superheavy Elements Factory in Dubna.
What happens to the brain in space?
Maria Lalkovičova
Researcher, Laboratory of Radiation Biology, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Cosmic radiation and its influence on astronauts flying into deep space. Biochemistry and physiology of radiation induced damage. How can we protect our brain? Is it safe to fly into space?
Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? The NICA collider as part of the answer
Krystian Rosłon
PhD Student at Warsaw University of Technology, Researcher at Veksler and Baldin Laboratoty of High Energy Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Chairman of Young Scientists and Specialists at VBLHEP
During the lecture, you will be able to go back into the past and find out more about the origins of our planet Earth and the whole Universe. In other words, we will try to answer the question "Where do we come from?”. You will learn what sizes our Universe generally covers, what the largest and the smallest things there are. A few words will also be said about the release of the smallest particles of the Standard Model, which are not available for examination in normal conditions. The methodology of their study is a fascinating field that will also be described during the lecture. Finally, the largest JINR laboratory (the Laboratory of High Energy Physics), as well as the NICA complex under construction now, will be described. In the summary, you will get an idea of why such research is important and what new things it can bring to our lives. The lecturer cooperates with CERN, therefore, during the lecture both scientific centres will be mentioned in comparison.
Neutrino Mysteries
Mark Shirchenko
Senior Researcher, Scientific and Experimental Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
The talk is devoted to neutrino – possibly the most intriguing and definitely the most elusive elementary particle. Since its prediction by scientists almost a hundred years ago and its discovery in the middle of the XX century, the neutrino has kept secrets not only about itself, but also about the world around us, the Universe, and the origins of Nature. We will follow this little “ghost” from the very beginning (and will find out what great Pauli thought was the worst thing a physicist could do) to the latest discoveries that led to the Nobel Prize. And even further, we will try to look ahead and imagine what is awaiting scientists just around the corner and what they are working on right now.