Yesterday, on 4 November, the eleventh scientific School for physics teachers from JINR Member States, organized jointly by the Joint Institute and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), was started.
A group of teachers from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine came to CERN, where an intense one week programme was prepared for them. The programme includes lectures, meetings with physicists in a working and informal atmosphere, excursions, laboratory works, Q&A sessions. Participants will get acquainted in detail with both CERN and JINR. The programme also includes acquaintance with the scientific programme and experimental facilities of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), such as CMS, ATLAS, LEIR, as well as the CERN Control Centre (CCC), the SM-18 facility for testing magnets at low temperatures and the factory of antimatter. The lecture programme will give an introduction into particle physics, cosmology, radiation biology and computing. In addition, the programme of the school includes a visit to the famous CERN’s interactive exhibition Microcosm, educational and the S Cool Lab hands-on particle physics learning laboratory and the Globe media centre. Lectures and excursions will be held by staff members of CERN, JINR and other Russian scientific organizations whose staff members work at CERN. Beside the educational programme of the School, participants will have an interesting sightseeing tour to Geneva
Since 2006, CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva) has been organizing national programmes for school teachers of physics. More than 1000 teachers from many countries participate every year in various events.
С 2009 года Объединенный институт ядерных исследований совместно с Европейской организацией ядерных исследований проводит научные школы для российских учителей физики, в которых могут принимать участие также учителя из всех стран-участниц ОИЯИ.
School for physics teachers. Participant’s impressions (Lora Kravchenko, Deputy Director of the Humanitarian and Legal Lyceum #86 of Izhevsk, the Udmurt Republic RF)