About the limits of the Periodic Table

On 17 March, 2022, another video conference with Dubna was held for the JINR Info Centre at the Kamchatka State University named after Vitus Bering (KamSU). Scientific Secretary of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Alexander Karpov gave a lecture "Searching for the Limits of the Periodic Table". The event was held as part of the University Centre Lectorium.

From the first part of the lecture, the audience learned about the chemical elements that had formed in the Universe since the Big Bang to the present day. The second part of A. Karpov's talk was devoted to the history of the discovery of radioactive and artificial transuranium elements, the search for a hypothetical island of stability for superheavy elements, the existence of which was predicted more than half a century ago, as well as the prospects for the development of this scientific direction. During the online meeting, the audience found out that 10 out of 18 elements added to the Periodic Table since the day of JINR establishment were synthesized in the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and that the only chemical element discovered in Russia outside of Dubna was identified in 1944 and called ruthenium. At the end of the lecture, A. Karpov spoke about the large-scale plans made by JINR scientists in relation to the Factory of Superheavy Elements: about preparation for experiments to synthesize elements 119 and 120 at the DC-280 accelerator that replaced the legendary U-400 accelerator, about the tasks to study the previously discovered elements in detail, and about the search for the boundaries of the island of stability.