Pacific Marathon "Big Science Firsthand"

From March 29 to April 13, 2022, with the assistance of the JINR University Centre specialists, the Pacific Online Marathon "Big Science Firsthand" is being held for students studying physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics at the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU).

The Marathon is a series of nine popular science lectures delivered by JINR researchers and specialists:

1. Vladimir Zhaketov "Nanotechnologies: Past, Present and Future".

2. Dmitry Naumov "Elementary Particle Physics of – the Foundation of Modern Physics."

3. Vladimir Zhaketov "Neutron Optics and Magnetic Heterostructures".

4. Valentin Ustinov "The Main Types of Ionising Radiation and their Registration Methods (Detectors)".

5. Vasily Semin "Particle Accelerators".

6. Yuri Severyukhin "Influence of Radiation on the Body in Space and on Earth."

7. Inga Zinicovscaia "Nuclear Physics Methods of Analysis in Ecological Research".

8. Mikhail Shandov “Superconductors. Against Ohm's law”.

9. Igor Pelevanyuk “Modern IT Technologies in Scientific Research. What is the Monte Carlo Method?”

The Marathon will become the first step in preparing FEFU students for an on-site internship at JINR. 13 students who passed the competitive selection will come to Dubna on April 14 for a two-week hands-on training on accelerator technology.