On 16 May 2018, representatives of JINR and the Dubna State University, namely FLNR Scientific Leader Academician Yu.Ts. Oganessian, Head of the FLNR Sector Professor Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, Director of the JINR University Centre S.Z. Pakuliak and Rector of the Dubna State University D.V. Fursaev, visited the NRNU MEPhI.

We inform you that there is now a possibility to enroll a new joint network educational master programme provided by MEPhI together with JINR.

On Saturday, 19 May 2018, the Physics and Mathematics Open Classroom of the JINR University Centre will hold XXIV Open Physics and Mathematics Olympiad among schoolchildren of 6-7th grades.

On 25 April, within the frames of the project “Friendship Bridges” which unites students from the twin-cities, high-school students from Nova Gorica (Slovenia) visited JINR.