On January 22, 2018 a group of students from Horoshevskaya School arrived at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, where they visited the JINR Museum, and the Laboratory of High Energy Physics. 

On 08-10 December, the Vth International Olympiad in Experimental Physics was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event brought together high school students from Bulgaria, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, and other countries. Students from Dubna also took part in the contest.

On 30 November, 2017, a traditional visit of high-school students of the University Lyceum No. 1511 of the Pre-university of NRNU MEPhI to JINR was held.

On 27 November, twenty-eight 8-year students focused on the study of physics and mathematics and 4 teachers of School № 1514, Moscow, visited the Institute.

On 22 November 2017 JINR scientists supported by the JINR University Centre and the JINR Visit Centre had a meeting with students of Tver schools №8 and 51.

On 15 November, 14 students of School No. 2116 and 13 students of the University Lyceum No. 1523 of the Pre-university NRNU MEPHI, Moscow, visited JINR. The pre-university of NNIU MEPhI, Moscow. The main goal of the visit was to introduce the guests to the main activities of the Institute.