On 20 April 2017, JINR hosted a delegation from Moscow Polytechnic University. Among the delegation members were Rector A.V. Nikolaenko, Vice-rector for academic and research work Yu.M. Borovin, Director for educational and scientific projects G.Kh. Sharipzyanova, Director for corporate relations G.A. Shchelkanov, Director of the Department for academic research work A.A. Skvortsov, and Director of the Higher School of Management and Law N.M. Fedorov. The delegation was accompanied by Deputy head of Dubna Administration N.A. Smirnov.

On 7 April 2017, a group of high school students from Moscow school No. 880 visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Excursions to the Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics and the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions were organized for the students.

On 31 March – 2 April 2017 the Science Festival «Physics Days 2017» was held in Dubna. Young researchers from Dubna and other Russian cities gathered here for the fourth time. The main feature of our festival is that school students are not just spectators; they solve complex problems and carry out peculiar experiments, construct models on their own.

On the days of school holidays, a group of school students from Stavropol came to Dubna. Excursions to Dubna University and the Museum of the History of Science and Technology were organised for the guests, two days were devoted to acquaintance with JINR.

FLNR and VBLHEP staff members A. Voinov and D. Dryablov gave open lessons for students and teachers of School No. 51 in Tver.

On February 21, a group of school students from Yaroslavl visited JINR. The guests were welcomed at the Museum of the History of Science and Technology of JINR, and afterwards in the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, and the Laboratory of High Energy Physics.