On 18 April, 2022, the first online lecture "Neutron activation analysis in environmental studies" within the framework of cooperation with the JINR InfoCentre opened on the basis of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov was given by the Head of the Neutron Activation Analysis and Applied Research Sector of the FLNP Inga Zinicovscaia to students of 9-11 grades. The event was held as part of the JINR UC Lectorium.

On 15 April, 2022, within the framework of the JINR UC Lectorium, an online lecture "Dark Matter" by the leading researcher of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics Anton Baushev was organised for 8-10-grade students of the Educational Center "Sirius".

On 4 and 19 April 2022, second-year students of the Faculty of Physics at Moscow State University participated in virtual visits to the JINR Laboratories. The visitors saw the DC-280 cyclotron hall in the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and the NICA accelerator complex of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics

On 18 April, 2022, a two-week training at JINR started for 2- and 3-year physics students of the Institute of High Technologies and Advanced Materials of the Far Eastern Federal University.

On 8 April 2022, students of the children's technopark "Kvantorium" from Balashikha visited the Laboratory of Information Technologies n.a. M.G. Meshcheryakov. LIT researcher Igor Pelevanyuk introduced the children to the directions of the Laboratory's activities.

On 5-7 April 2022, the qualifying stage of the fifth Technical Hackathon "Dubna-2022" for school students was held within the walls of the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum n.a. Kadyshevsky. 17 teams from the North of the Moscow region and the Tver region took part in the robot design and programming competition. The best results were shown by school students from Kimry, Taldom, and Dubna. On April 24, they will compete for the main prize in the final of the tournament.