On 24 March 2022, an online tour of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions was organised for the JINR Infocentre at the Kamchatka State University named after Vitus Bering (KamSU). FLNR senior researcher Vratislav Chudoba introduced the audience to the studies of the exotic nuclei properties, which are conducted at the Acculina-2 fragment-separator–U-400M heavy ion accelerator complex.

On 25-27 March 2022, visits to the interactive exhibition "JINR Basic Facilities" located in the Culture Centre "Mir" were organised for Dubna residents. The events were dedicated to the 66th anniversary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. In such a way the Institute invited everyone to get to know its history and celebrate its holiday with the city. Within three days, about 300 visitors attended the exhibition.

On 17 March, 2022, another video conference with Dubna was held for the JINR Info Centre at the Kamchatka State University named after Vitus Bering (KamSU). Scientific Secretary of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Alexander Karpov gave a lecture "Searching for the Limits of the Periodic Table". The event was held as part of the University Centre Lectorium.

On 02 March, 2022, an online lecture was organised for 8-9 grade students from school No. 51 in Tver. The event was held as part of the JINR UC Lectorium. Researcher of the Laboratory of Information Technologies Igor Pelevanyuk gave a lecture "LIT: Past and Present".

On 24 February, 2022, an online popular-science event was held on the basis of the JINR Info Centre at KamSU. Participants were FLNP staff members Natalya Glombotskaya and Valery Lobachev and high-school students from the local schools. The meeting was organised by the JINR University Centre.

Within the framework of the 65th anniversary of JINR and the Year of Science and Technology in Russia, the University Centre ran the Marathon “JINR visiting Dubna schools”. This large-scale popular-science event lasted from April till December 2021 and involved 14 city schools.