In 2024, two articles were published in the scientific journals Minerals and Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, co-authored by JINR staff and their mentees, participants of the international student programmes INTEREST and START.

On 9 December 2024, the first JINR Information Centre in the Southern Hemisphere was opened at the NRF: iThemba LABS in South Africa. This new centre will serve as a key instrument for the development of collaboration between the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the Republic of South Africa.

From 2nd to 6th December 2024, the first Scientific school for teachers from the Republic of Belarus was held at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Sixteen teachers of physics in engineering classes familiarised themselves with the Institute’s research and facilities, gaining new knowledge applicable in their lessons.

From 6 to 22 November, 2024, JINR University Centre hosted the International Student Practice for 18 students from Egyptian universities. On 22 November, they presented the results of their work on 10 projects covering various areas of physics and information technologies. For some students, the field of research was entirely new.

From 18 to 22 November, 2024, JINR University Centre hosted an International Scientific School for high school students. Ten students from grades 10 and 11 from Dubna and Astana (Kazakhstan) participated.

From 28 October to 1 November, 2024, a Scientific School for Physics Teachers was held at JINR, which was attended by six educators from Rosatom cities.